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Ask Seek Knock

Now in a 7-week teaching series on prayer called A. S. K. (Ask Seek Knock) from Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

In honor of this verse from God’s Word, let’s pray together at 7:07 AM and 7:07 PM. Set your alarm and ask, seek, and knock, and watch our loving Father answer His children.

49 Days of Prayer

You’re invited to spend time with the Lord each day for the next 40 days following these specific prayer prompts. Start your time of prayer by reading the passage for the week. As you read, invite the Lord to meet with you as you talk with and listen to Him.

Week 1
September 1–7

Each day this week, start by reading Matthew 7:7-11.

Day 1: ASK – Pray for your will to align with God’s will over the next 40 days

Day 2: SEEK – Pray for the Lord to increase our dependence on Him

Day 3: KNOCK – Pray for God to open doors to a deeper level of intimacy in your prayer life

Day 4: ASK – Pray for this series to bless a specific person in your circle

Day 5: SEEK – Pray for the Lord to give you guidance in a specific area of your life

Day 6: KNOCK – Pray for God to open doors to meaningful Gospel conversations with others

Day 7: Thank God for being, “Your Father who gives good things to those who ask Him.”

Week 2
September 8–14

Each day this week, start by reading Matthew 6:5-13.

Day 8: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”.
Thank God for allowing us to come into His presence and talk to Him. 

Day 9: “Your Kingdom come”
Thank God that you have been adopted into His family and Kingdom

Day 10: “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
Thank God that He is in control over all things in heaven and on earth

Day 11: “Give us this day our daily bread”
Thank God for daily provision of all our needs

Day 12: “And forgive our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”
Thank God for sending Jesus to forgive our sins and be an example of how we can forgive others

Day 13: “And lead us not into temptation”
Thank God for giving us His Word to find freedom from temptation

Day 14: “But deliver us from evil”
Thank God that He has achieved the victory over evil that we get to live each day 

Week 3
September 15–21

Again, each day this week, start by reading Matthew 6:5-13.

Day 15:  “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”.
Praise God today in prayer that while He is holy and set apart, He makes Himself accessible to us.

Day 16: “Your Kingdom come”
Pray today that while the election season goes on, we remember that God’s kingdom reigns supreme above any earthly kingdom. 

Day 17: “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
Thank God for the reality that He has a master plan for our lives, country, and world. 

Day 18: “Give us this day our daily bread”
What is something you know a friend, family member, etc. has been praying for over a long period of time? Join in that prayer today. 

Day 19: “And forgive our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”.
Ask God to reveal any grudges, ill-will, etc. you may be harboring toward someone, then ask for forgiveness and a change of heart. 

Day 20: “And lead us not into temptation”.
Ask God to reveal to you any blindspots you have that lead you toward temptation and the strength to remove them. 

Day 21: “But deliver us from evil”

Week 4
September 22–28

Each day this week, start by reading Philippians 4:6-7.

Day 22: Turn back to Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say rejoice” Thank the Lord for who He is, and rejoice in how He has been faithful in your life.

Day 23: Share with the Lord what you are worried about. Present your concerns and fears to Him, because He cares for you. 

Day 24: Ask the Lord for what you need believing He provides because He is a good Father.

Day 25: Thank God for His perfect peace and ask Him to give you fresh understanding. 

Day 26: Pray for God’s provision in your life, even in the areas you lack. 

Day 27: Philippians 4 speaks on generosity. Pray for God’s provision in the church, and to help you grow in generosity.

Day 28: Pray for God to renew your mind in Christ Jesus continually.

Week 5
September 29–October 5

Each day this week, start by reading 2 Chronicles 20:1-12.

Day 29: “Lord, you are worthy of my time and my attention.” Take time this week to intentionally fast and pray to the Lord for an area you are burdened about.

Day 30: “God, You are Lord in heaven. You rule over the kingdoms of this world, and all power and might are in your hands.” Praise God for His power and sovereignty over the world. 

Day 31: “God, you were faithful to your followers, to Abraham and others in the Bible. I praise you for your faithfulness and steadfast love.” Spend time praising the Lord for His loyal love. 

Day 32: “Lord, we know you are both just and good. I pray that when I see injustice or evil in this world, I will run to You for help and trust You.” Lift up a prayer interceding for a need you see in the world.

Day 33: “God, You are compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (Exodus 34:6-7). Help us to come to you when we fall short, knowing that your character is kind and you receive us.” Pray for forgiveness over any and all sin, and praise the Lord for His forgiveness given to us through Jesus.

Day 34: “Lord, we so often don’t come to you when we need help. I recognize that I am both in need of Your mercy and Your help today in this area: ________.” Ask the Lord for His provision and help today.

Day 35: “You are the God Who hears us. Help me remember that crying out to You acknowledges that we need You each day.” Present yourself before Him and present your deep longings. 

Week 6
October 6–12

Each day this week, start by reading Ephesians 3:14-21.

This week if you are physically able, change your posture by getting on your knees as a sign of reverence to the Lord. If you can’t get on your knees, try to change your posture differently.

Day 36: Pray a prayer of thankfulness to God for allowing Christ to dwell in us.

Day 37: In your prayer time today, tell God the good things you know to be true about Him according to the Scriptures. 

Day 38: Ask God today to help you deepen the roots of your love so that you can deepen your love for others.

Day 39: Praise God for the times you have experienced His love in ways that go beyond head knowledge. 

Day 40: Thank God today for his omniscience – that He knows what is best for us and can do far greater things than we even know what to ask for. 

Day 41: Pray for our whole church, your specific campus, and then your group to continue focusing on bringing glory to Jesus Christ. 

Day 42: Think about the next generation of your family. Pray that they would continue in the faith and bring glory to Jesus Christ. 

BONUS! Week 7
October 13–19

Each day this week, start by reading Romans 12:12 and Luke 18:1-8

These passages focus on confidently and consistently going to the Lord in prayer. Both passages highlight that we are commanded to ask God “persistently” for what we need. Reflect on the areas you struggle to talk to the Lord about. Maybe it is an area you stopped praying for… entrust them to the Lord and believe in His unchanging goodness.

Day 43: “Search my heart and know me…” (Psalm 139:23). If prayer or a specific prayer request is hard to present to God, go to Him and ask if any false belief or area of sin hinders you from going to Him confidently.

Day 44: “God, I want to come to you each day continuously. Acknowledging that You are God, You are good, and You will take care of me.” Pray again over the areas you need the Lord’s provision in today.

Day 45: “Lord, because of Who You are, I rejoice in hope – not in results. Help me to trust You in trials, knowing that my joy is found in You and not in my circumstances.” Praise God for His goodness and present whatever circumstances are weighing on you.

Day 46: Reflect on the parable in Luke 18. Recall a burden you have that maybe you haven’t given to the Lord in a while. “Lord, I am reminded that You know my needs, but You also want me to give them to you continuously – trusting in your unfailing love…” Present your requests to God. 

Day 47: “Father God, I sometimes struggle to come to You. I want to come to you with my needs and my wants. Help me to believe that Your responses – whether yes, no or wait – are all for my best and your glory.” 

Day 48: As You pray, list out God’s attributes – His trustworthiness, His righteousness, His justice, etc. – “Lord, You are all these things and more! Therefore, I can come to You each day knowing You hear and see my needs. May I not neglect the joy it is to draw near to You.”

Day 49: Spend time worshiping God for all He has revealed about Himself the last few weeks. List out the needs you have and the requests of others you know and love. “God, You are mighty in power and compassionate in heart. I trust and believe You are the God who sees me. I want to present these requests to You…” (take time to present them before the Lord).

Instagram Live!

Join Pastor Jeff Bucknam for Instagram Live on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7:00 PM starting Tuesday, September 17 through Thursday, October 17. He and a guest will be talking about prayer.

Follow Harvest Bible Chapel on Instagram at @harvestbiblechapel. Then meet Pastor Jeff and his guest at 7:00 PM on those nights!

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Harvest Groups Podcast

Helpful conversations about Community and Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) at
Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.
Community Group Leader Podcast
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 1
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 2
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 3
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 4
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 5
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 6
Community Group Leader Podcast | Episode 7
D Group Leader Podcast
D-Group Starter Guide Conversation 1 | Share Your Story
D-Group Starter Guide Conversation 2 | Goals and Expectations
D-Group Starter Guide Conversation 3 | HEAR Journals and Scripture Memory
D-Group Starter Guide Conversation 4 | Accountability and Prayer
Conversation 1 D-Group Multiply Guide | Who, Why, Where?
Bonus Episode 1 | Am I Ready to Lead a D-Group?
Conversation 2 D-Group Multiply Guide | Identifying Potential Members
Bonus Episode 2 | How to Select the Right People for Your D Group
Conversation 3 D-Group Multiply Guide | Inviting Potential Members
Bonus Episode 3 | How to Invite People to Your D-Group
Conversation 4 D-Group Multiply Guide | Celebrate & Commission

Community Group Outreach/Service Ideas

Create homeless blessing bags together, distribute to homeless outreach in area or keep in your car to give out.  

Serve at The Ruth Project either downtown Elgin or at the farm 

Serve together at Feed My Starving Children 

Contact campus ministry team to “adopt” a single mother in the congregation, and provide her with ongoing support (babysitting, groceries, gifts of encouragement)  

Contact local elementary/middle/high school and ask to provide regular blessing baskets to teachers   

Contact local senior/assisted living facility and offer to host a praise and worship night or ongoing Bible study 

Serve at local soup kitchen  

Sign up to serve with Habitat for Humanity  

Find more Volunteer opportunities at 

Contact the Lead Team