Secure Give Online
1. Click the GIVE NOW button >.
2. Select your campus
3. Select gift type: One time or recurring (monthly)
- General Offering
- Church Planting/Leadership Development
- Debt Reduction
4. Sign in to your account or continue as a guest.
5. Fill in payment details—bank ACH, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted
Questions about giving? Email [email protected] or call 847-398-7005, Ext. 1113.
Text to Give
Text “Harvest” to 94000
Checks or Money Orders
Checks or money orders can be given in two ways:
- Placed in the offering box in the back of the worship centers
- Mailed to:
Harvest Bible Chapel
ATTN: Accounting Department
800 Rohlwing Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Checks or Money Orders
Financial Statements
We want you to be confident that your giving is being leveraged for the highest and most Christ-honoring kingdom purposes.
The Stewardship Ministry at Harvest is to teach, model, and facilitate biblical stewardship with our time, talents, and treasure.