Harvest Bible Chapel offers several types of care ministry, each designed to connect to the hope of the Gospel for the unique features of our various struggles.
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Our Ministry Areas
Freedom Groups
A 13-week opportunity that offers freedom from strongholds through the hope found in the gospel.
Grace Marriage
A quarterly half-day experience that builds marriages to showcase the grace of God through practical next steps.
Grief Share
A 13-week group that offers helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability.
Divorce Care
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce.
Support for those in our church family going through a financially difficult time.
Cars Ministry
Assistance with car repairs to those in our church family in a financially challenging season.
Faithful Medical Decisions
Online resources and
personal consultations for
people making end-of-life
or reproductive decisions
Calendar of Classes
Frequently Asked Questions
God calls for His Church to care for one another. Our primary form of care will be through practicing the one-another’s seen throughout the New Testament. Such as: pray for one another, encourage one another, bear one another’s burdens, and more. The places where that can happen include growth groups, weekend gatherings, prayer, our Hope Center and Benevolence ministries, and more. In those times when additional care is needed, we are prepared to provide that through our staff or trained lay leaders. If a person’s situation requires specialized care, we have a list of vetted local professional counselors and therapists that we could suggest for care.
A Care Connector is a trained volunteer who meets with a person in need one, two or three times. The aim of the Care Connector is to connect personally, connect to the Gospel, connect with truth, and connect to the next best step. Because we believe ministry is done best in community, Care Connectors normally serve in pairs.
You can let us know you would like to meet with a Care Connector by clicking here.
We understand that there will be some situations where the wisest and loving next step would be to suggest that a person/couple in need receives care from a trained professional. To ensure that the care received is trustworthy, the Care Ministry can provide a list of vetted local counselors and therapists.
Click here to find blogs, videos, and more that will help you care for others.