Happy New Year, Church Family!
As we step into 2025, we are filled with gratitude and anticipation. Reflecting on 2024, we are overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness and the incredible generosity of our church. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing at Harvest Bible Chapel!
This year, we are excited to see how God will work through us as we move forward together in faith. Would you join us in praying for His guidance and provision in 2025? As part of the journey, we invite you to attend one of the Vision Gatherings for the Follow Initiative. These gatherings are an opportunity to hear from church leaders, explore the vision God has laid on our hearts, and ask any questions you may have.
Take a look at the agenda below, and as always, feel free to connect with an elder in person or via email. Let’s step boldly into this year together!
Elder Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Location: Crystal Lake Campus
Food and Prayer
- Dinner
- Prayer
- Harvest Christian Academy – Strategic Direction Discussion
- Approval of December Meeting Minutes
- 2025 Budget Discussion and Approval
- Church Discipline Update
- Mandated Report Training Updated
- Communication to Congregation
Close in prayer
You are loved!