Harvest Kids’ Midweek Ministry at the Aurora Campus
Midweek Mania is Aurora’s Harvest Kids’ midweek discipleship opportunity committed to partnering with parents to disciple children.
Children participate in theme nights, games, worship, and small groups to grow in community with one another while growing in spiritual disciplines. Throughout the year they work through materials to memorize God’s word, explore the Bible, and complete memorable activities. Incremental awards encourage participation to grow closer to Christ and HarvestKids friends throughout the year.
Who is Midweek Mania For?
Each group is tailored for that specific age using best practices in learning styles, attention spans, and age-appropriate development.
Preschool: (3 years—PreK)
Preschoolers will use Go curriculum to reinforce what is learned on Sunday mornings. Puppets, songs, interactive lessons, games, and crafts, help kids learn and grow in their understanding of God’s big Bible story and Christ’s love for them.
Grade School: Go Deeper (Kindergarten-Grade 5)
Extending the lesson from our Sunday morning Go Curriculum, we will dive deeper into our chronological journey through the entire Bible. Kids will see and experience both God’s people and promises through the Big Bible Story. We will memorize scripture, worship, learn, play games, and do crafts, all while growing in community together.
When is Midweek Mania?
Our calendar will follow the Adult Ministry Bible Study Schedule. Our first session will begin Wednesday, September 11, and end November 20. Twice during our session, we will have a family night. Dates for Session 2 & 3 are TBD. Each Wednesday meeting will run from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Registration is now open for fall 2024!
Do you need volunteers?
YES, we do! Midweek ministry can be offered only when adults are faithful volunteers giving 2-3 hours a week during the ten-week session to benefit the spiritual growth of children. This will be the most rewarding couple of hours that you spend each week. You will grow in your own spiritual walk as you witness firsthand the spiritual growth of the children in our care. No prior experience is necessary and you will be equipped for your role.
Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Childcare
- Small Group Leader
- Game Leader
- Check-in
- Setup/Prep Work
Our volunteer positions require a commitment to serve every week in the session. In appreciation for your service, you will receive a $5 discount for each child that you register within your household.
What Does Midweek Cost?
The cost is $30 for each ten-week session (registration is only open for the fall 2024 session, September-November, at this time).
Are Scholarships Available?
Yes! We are thankful to the people of our church who generously give to provide scholarships for families who need assistance. Midweek ministry is accessible to all children because of their faithful generosity. Please use the button below for scholarship needs.