Church-wide Serve Day!
Serving Locally, Leaving an Impact.
An exciting day to display the love of Christ across Chicagoland! All our campuses will be gathering for a time of commissioning on their campuses and then heading out to their communities to serve at different sites. It will be happening on Saturday, April 29 from 9:00 AM–12:00 PM.
We believe it is important for the church to gather together, but also to serve together—leaving our four walls and realizing and impacting the mission field in our own backyards. See all the opportunities to serve in your neighborhood with your church family below!
Volunteer with your campus!
See Complete List of Serving Sites!
Serving Sites – East Campuses
Rolling Meadows Campus
Meet at 9:00 AM in the Chapel
Hope Center || Be a part of the weekly ministry of the Hope Center, providing help and hope in Jesus’ name to those in need. You will get the opportunity to assist guests as they shop, welcome them into the walls of our church, and pray with them.
Hope Garden || We are relocating our Hope Garden to a different corner of our property, and we need help to build a new garden. The produce grown will be given to the Hope Center.
Packing Homeless Kits || Help us pack bags for Journeys: The Road Home, a non-profit agency that provides shelter, social services, and housing to the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in 37 towns in north/northwest suburban Cook County. We will have a station set up in the lobby to pack bags with toiletries and other necessities.
Clearbrook || We will help with landscaping, painting, and other beautification at homes owned by Clearbrook.
Home of the Sparrow || Home of the Sparrow’s mission is to provide hope, opportunity, and support that empowers women and children as they journey from homelessness to self-sufficiency. We will partner with them to organize their local thrift store.
Village of Palatine || Join us as we partner with the Village of Palatine to paint, clean up, and landscape sites around the village.
Chicago Cathedral Campus
Meet at 8:30 AM in the Worship Center
Join us for our Saturday in the Square Brew House.
Our purpose? To slow down, connect with our community, and offer them quality (and free!) pour-over coffee. We will also have dog treats for our furry friends! Join us from 8:30-11:30 AM to help serve coffee or connect with our neighbors–it’s all about building community and forming relationships!
North Shore Campus
Meet at 9:00 AM at Hidden Creek Aquapark
Help us assist the Highland Park Police Department as we clean up the streets of Highland Park. This is a practical way for us to serve our community and partner with the police
Serving Sites – West Campuses
Elgin Campus
Meet at 9:00 AM in the Worship Center
- Elgin TLC Pregnancy Center || Support the TLC Pregnancy Center in Elgin by sprucing up their landscaping to welcome women coming for support.
- Elgin Dream Center || Partnering with a local church outreach ministry to help clean, organize and paint. Help us partner with the Dream Center located only 5 minutes from the Elgin Campus at New Life Church. This will take place on Sunday, April 30th.
- Habitat for Humanity || If you love construction and home repairs, this is the place to go! Serving at a build homesite in this project is available to everyone 16 and up. No prior experience is needed, just a heart to serve and labor together.
- Local High School || Join us as we come alongside Larkin High School working outdoors doing grounds maintenance. We invite you to serve and to pray for the educators in our community. More details coming soon!
Crystal Lake Campus || Meet at 9:00 AM in the Worship Center
- We will be serving at a few locations within Crystal Lake, including the Refuge for Women shelter, a Senior Care center, and some general work projects. More details in the registration.
Aurora Campus || Meet at 9:00 AM in the Worship Center
- We will be serving at a few locations within Aurora. More details to come, but can’t wait to Serve Our City together!